All kinds of animals need exercize

The Carrie Murray Nature Center needs your help to build an animal exercise cage.

We need the cage to teach young birds to fly, to rehab injured animals, to exercise our tortoises and lizards, and to exercise our permanent, non-releasable raptors. 

An exercise cage—the minimum required size—is going to cost about $3000 to build.

Any donation, large or small, will be greatly appreciated.

Please help us make this a reality!

Make your check out to “Friends of Carrie Murray” and write “Exercise Cage” in the memo spot. And send it to:

Carrie Murray Nature Center
1901 Ridgetop Rd.
Baltimore, MD. 21207

Or use our PayPal account and don’t worry about looking for a stamp!

The staff and critters of CMNC thank you!